Welcome NEW Families!

You look at the volunteer forms wondering how they think you have so much extra time and money.  Here are 5 answers to “What does the PTA really need from me?” 

1.  Not Everything

Just because we send out volunteer forms monthly, sometimes even weekly (or, daily!)  that doesn’t mean that we expect you to volunteer for ALL those things.  We only need SOME people to volunteer at each one.  Don’t feel guilty that you’re not signing up for each one or ever! We understand and appreciate any form of support you are able to give. For those of us who can't afford the time, a single $10 membership fee is enough to be a contributor and makes you part of the PTA family. You can join HERE!

2.  Dip your toe in

Sometimes volunteering at school, especially in the classroom can be REALLY daunting.  You’re worried you’ll mess things up or your child will be clingy when they should be listening.  I can guarantee that we have had both of those things happen.  Maybe ask a more experienced parent to show you around the school.  We're ALWAYS happy to help new parents.  It can feel like a scary place if you don’t know what you’re doing.   Some parents want kid time, and some don’t.  Just depends, and the teacher wants YOU happy while you’re there and they’ll try to cater to your needs.  Just try it.  We bet you’ll like it, and you’ll be back for more.

3.  Don’t expect special favors

We don’t expect our children to be in a specific classroom because we volunteer, but we ALL volunteer in some capacity because we know it helps - a lot. We're just saying - you can’t expect stuff in return (but you can at least hope for some good Karma).

4.  Make some friends

PTA works because we make it fun to be here.  We love each other’s kids and we have a good time together.  Some of our very best friends have come from helping at the book fair or sweltering together at a Walk-a-thon.  PTA can be that place to find that friend.  While it can totally seem like high school deja vu when you step in, look for that face that’s smiling at you and say hello.  You’ve got this.

5.  Find your niche

Our most important goal is supporting the kids.  For most of us, that means that we love to help in the classroom whenever we can.  We love encouraging those little faces that maybe don’t get the encouragement they need elsewhere.  But that's just one way we like to help.  Some of us love helping teachers with prep work, some love making unforgettable props for events, some of us love choreographing dances, some of us love taking photos, and most of the time we are sought after to do what we're best at.  And as you look at the never-ending volunteer list, think about what YOU love and what you're good (or even great) at. 

And that’s REALLY what your PTA needs.  We need YOU in a capacity that you’re good at, that you enjoy doing, and for you to make some friends along the way.  We want you to show your child that school is important to you.  If you do it right, they’ll get that message loud and clear. We will all have more fun that way. 

We're looking forward to a great year, and we hope to meet you at one of our meetings or events!

Click HERE to find out more about VOLUNTEERING.

Click HERE find out more about some of our EVENT & PROGRAMS.