You are an Advocate!
What is advocacy?
Advocacy is the process by which an individual or group aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions.
Laurelwood Advocacy
In order to promote direct, open, and respectful interactions so that problems can be worked out quickly and efficiently, please consider the following Laurelwood Elementary School communications protocol ladder:
Start with the staff member closest to the situation, as that person will usually have the most information:
Classroom teacher, then
Principal, then
School Site Council and/or PTA, then
District (contact SCUSD Trustees, attend school board meetings, filing a Williams Complaint, if applicable)
School Site Council
The School Site Council (SSC) is a 10 member team consisting of three separate groups (parents, teachers, and classified school employees) that represent the population and culture of the Laurelwood community, and operates with a school improvement perspective in mind. This team reviews, updates, and make decisions regarding the school’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) to ensure instructional programs are consistent with needs of every student in the school, and comply with the goals and requirements of the school district.
Approximately 8 meetings are held each school year, usually on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM. Meetings are open to the public. All parents, teachers and staff are encouraged to attend.
Check the Laurelwood Elementary School Calendar for meeting dates.
PTA Advocacy
Did you know? The National PTA is the oldest and largest volunteer child advocacy association in the United States. National PTA has a long history of influencing federal policy resulting in kindergarten classes, child labor laws, school lunch programs, and a juvenile justice system.
Do you want to find out more regarding state and national PTA issues? Please visit the websites below:
California State PTA:
National PTA:
Community Advisory Committee (Special Education)
The Community Advisory Committee is a group of SCUSD parents, educators and community members interested in helping children who have special educational needs.
Specifically, the CAC:
Advises the Santa Clara Unified School District Board of Trustees.
Recommends priorities and issues to be addressed.
Provides input into the development of our local plan for special education.
Educates parents, teachers and others by offering informative meetings and speakers. (usually once per month on Wednesday evenings)
Encourages community involvement.
Supports activities for students.
You can find out the 2022-2023 meeting schedule at
Santa Clara Unified School District Board Meetings
The Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing educational goals and standards, approving curriculum, the School District budget, confirming appointments of all personnel, approving purchases of equipment, supplies, services, leases, renovation, construction, and union contracts. A Williams Complaint may be filed with SCUSD in certain situations, such a temperature in classrooms or lack of school books or other learning materials. The Williams Complaint notices are posted in all classrooms.
Board meetings (open to the public) are held on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at the district office. The address is 1889 Lawrence Rd. Santa CA, 95051.
Visit the SCUSD website at for meeting dates.